Directions to Vista Valverde in San Ramon, Alajuela, Costa Rica
45 minutes from SJO airport
3.5 hours from Liberia Airport
50 minutes from nearest beaches
70 minutes from Puntarenas Ferry
100 minutes from La Fortuna

From SJO to San Ramon (via PanAmerican Hiway, Hiway 1, Pista, Auto Pista, Route 1 – its all the same road!)
follow signs to San Ramon
You will be heading west
You will pass the columns to Grecia (about 15-20 min into drive)
You will pass the entry to Sarchi (about another 5-10 min)
You will pass the town of Palmares (about another 5-10 min)
Make your next right into San Ramon at the sign (about 3-5 min after Palmares)

FROM SAN RAMON to VistaValverde
Make a left at the light (gas station on right AND across the street)
Go through the next 2 lights, staying to your right at the split
Stay straight as you head up around the bend and back down again.  Great views of San Ramon – The University of Costa Rica will be on your left.
Head down the hill and make a left at the stop sign – this is ruta 742
Go over 3 speed bumps (1 by the driving entrance to University, one at the bottom of that hill, and one just past the  grocery store on the right – great stop for food stuffs, beer, randoms stuff before heading up to VV)
Make your next left at the Super Guillen (hanging Imperial beer sign with bird on it) this is CALLE VALVERDE
Follow this concrete road as it veers to the right at CEDA sign, through the little village of San Pedro, and up and around out into the country through more residential area (there is a bakery – Panaderia on the left side at the end of the village)
Pass the tiger painted on the coffee return on your left
Go over little yellow bridge (about the length of a truck), and pass a Bus Kiosk that says Cafe Altura on the right

MAKE YOUR IMMEDIATE NEXT LEFT UP THE ASPHALT DRIVE – through colorful painted columns and an open black gate

Can include the following upon request (may be $): Toiletries like Shampoo and Conditioner ($) Hairdryer, Straightener Shopping Bags (no need for plastic at the store!) Wine or Beer and Cheese ($)

Follow this black top to the gravel road, to the black curved portion, to the gravel again, and keep coming up staying to your right all the way. Do not go down or up any driveways.  Stay on this road as it starts to have small palm trees line the left side and snakes around to the main house with a basketball hoop. Congratulations! you found us!

any problems – call +1 (646) 578-3475 (USA Mobile and WhatsApp)

Coming from Beaches on HiWay 1 East towards San Jose
Please take only legal entrance into San Ramon at blinking light by the Occiddental Mall.   If you are looking at a GPS, it is the second road into San Ramon, but you are not allowed to make a left across the hi-way at the first one and must head to the next official entry by the Occidental Mall. there will be a turning lane and a blinking light. Turn left.  Follow directions above from San Ramon to Vista Valverde.

From La Fortuna/Arenal/San Carlos
Take road right into San Ramon centro
as soon as you pass in front of the big Church on your left, and the park on your right, make a RIGHT, keeping the park on your right
head to the end and make a left in front of the blue church
make a RIGHT at the light. this is Ruta 742
go over 4 speed bumps (1 on the first street, 1 by the entrance to University, one at the bottom of the hill, and one just past the small grocery store on the right)
make a left at the Super Guillen (hanging Imperial beer sign with bird on it) this is CALLE VALVERDE
follow this concrete road as it veers to the right at CEDA sign
stay on concrete road as it goes through town, up the hill, then winds through residential area.
pass the tiger painted on the coffee return
go over little yellow bridge (about the length of a truck), and pass a Bus Kiosk that says Cafe Altura
MAKE YOUR IMMEDIATE NEXT LEFT UP THE ASPHALT DRIVE – painted columns and an open black gate
follow this black top to the gravel road and keep coming up. do not go down any drives. stay on this road as it starts to have small palm trees line the left side and snakes around to the main house with a basketball hoop. Congratulations! you found us!